Changes to the SAT will commence October 2016. To ensure preparation does not falter, WriteRight offers intensive SAT programs at both locations for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders for preparation for the 2014-15 SAT tests.
Parents and students alike are well aware of the importance of the SAT for college admissions. Out of a total of 2400 points, 1600 points are awarded for mastery of Language Arts -namely Critical Reading and Writing. The Critical Reading section, comprised of 800 points, tests students on reading comprehension, analyzing information from passages, and vocabulary. The Writing section, another 800 point section, tests a student’s knowledge of grammar, ability to improve sentences and paragraphs and writing ability, the essay. The essay on the SAT is worth about 300 points and tests a student’s ability to convey thoughts on a given topic.
Many 10th and 11th graders take the SAT class 2-3 times in order to fully prepare by their 12th grade year. Please keep in mind the earlier we start preparation, the better our chances for a higher score, acceptance into choice colleges, and scholarships.
The class consists of 40 hours of instruction time with classes twice weekly. WriteRight offers complete simplest path to the highest SAT score on the Critical Reading, Writing, and Essay sections of the SAT.
Write Right would like to recognize the following outstanding achievements:
CR W Essay Total
Sonia Gupta 800 780 10 2380 10th grade
Adarsh Suresh 800 760 10 2340
Tithi Raval 740 800 11 2340
Lavanya Natchiappan 750 730 10 2280 Star Student; GT
Sanjay Velappan 720 760 10 2280 Emory
Imon Gosh 690 730 10 2190 GT
Arushi Bhatia 640 730 10 2140 GT
Akul Munjal 740 760 10 2210 GRU Medical Scholars
Kush Patel 610 710 2090 11th grade
Rahul Katkar 620 690 10 2080 UGA, Honors
Honorable mention to: Ayesha Bharadwaj, Prachi Mishra, Yash Joshi, Prachi Patel, and Sara Srivastav.